Natural Laws are immutable and intelligent systems of operation within our Universe at the level of matter and energy.They cannot be avoided or ignored without consequences. These Laws govern everything, from the motion of galaxies to the operation of our physiology to the forces of invisible energies around us. In other words, every aspect of our lives internally and externally is governed by these laws. Whenever we try to avoid or ignore them, we see the consequences in our health, the corruption of society, environmental degradation, broken relationships and so on.
Man made laws are ever changing laws either based on Natural laws or created for the benefit of a few that are in a position of power and control in society. Many of these profit oriented laws are embedded in government and religious institutions. To make matters worst, they are made to appear that they are part of Natural laws or laws that are Divine. These laws are different in different classes of society and within different cultures. The more you study these laws, the more you will realize how inadequate and unnecessary they are for the operation of a cohesive society.
In order to understand the difference between Natural laws and corrupted man made laws, we have to learn to understand Nature and its operations. If we are ignorant to that, then we will always fall for someone's deception of a corrupt system.
~ Faisal Safi ~